14" A 4hz Theta Binaural Beat Frosted Singing Bowl Set

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14" A 4hz Theta Binaural Beat Frosted Singing Bowl Set

What You Will Receive:

1)     You will receive two high quality frosted crystal singing bowls, chosen for their quality of tone and exactness of pitch: One 14" A Perfect Pitch 432hz frosted bowl, and one 14" A Perfect Pitch 440hz frosted bowl. These played together will make a 4hz Theta Binaural. Here the sound file for these bowls at the top of the page.

2)     Each bowl will come with a free suede striker and o-ring.

3)     Two optional 14” Sunreed Purple Nesting Cases, to safely pack your singing bowls. If you choose these optional cases with this binaural set, we have taken $25 off each case. You can see the case in the picture gallery above, or click here

4)     Two optional quartz crystal strikers. These strikers are quartz rods with a silicon sleeve. They create extra friction with the side of the bowl to make the bowl sing easier. They also get rid of the scratching noise caused by the suede strikers rubbing against the rim of the frosted bowls. 

When And How Will The Set Ship: 

This will typically ship out the next day after ordering, with FedEx and be received in 3-5 days with FedEx.

About Binaurals/Monaurals:

The use of the binaural beat stimulation is well founded through decades of scientific research, to stimulate learning, relaxation, sleep, or meditative states through altering brain wave states. The binaural beat, which is an oscillation that occurs when two close hz values are played together, are not only possible with crystal singing bowls, but are a highly potent tool for altering your mindset and adding depth to your sound practice. You can hear the binaural beat oscillation in the sound file at the top of the page.

Depending on how close together the hz values of the two bowls are together, you will get a binaural oscillation that corresponds to different brain wave patterns: 1-4hz Delta, 4-8hz Theta, 8-25hz Alpha, 25hz-140hz Gamma. For example, if one bowl plays at 261hz, and the other bowl plays at 255hz, then there is a difference of 6hz. The brain then entrains to the 6hz oscillation, corresponding to Theta brain waves.

Our meditative experience with binaural stimulation and crystal bowls, is that the binaural oscillation is not only heard, but as well felt in the body. If relaxed into, the mind is not able to hold onto thinking patterns easily, and the binaural stimulation becomes a gateway into exploring spacious consciousness.

About Theta stimulation:

Theta brain wave stimulation are frequencies between 3-7hz. Theta Waves are associated with the deepest form of relaxation. The Theta state is when the brain slows almost to point of sleep while one is still fully conscious. Theta aids in heightened receptivity, provides one with flashes of dreamlike imagery, and can even bring long forgotten memories to the forefront of your mind. The Theta state is said to be the deepest possible stage of meditation. Some have even mentioned a sense of floating while in Theta state. We exclusively use the Theta binaurals in our meditations, and have had profound experiences while using them.

About Alpha stimulation:

Alpha Brain Waves come through the 8-12 hz range. Alpha heightens your imagination, visualization, memory, learning and concentration. This brain wave indicates a relaxed state of mind, a state of relaxed alertness, good for inspiration and learning facts fast. Alpha is a contemplative state, when you are feeling quiet and thoughtful. Studies have shown that learning in Alpha State enhances the performance of students.

About Gamma stimulation:

There is evidence that gamma stimulation is related to peak concentration, when you are actively focused and engaged in solving a problem. Research suggests that a lack of gamma waves can signify a difficulty in staying focused one a task, while an excess of gamma waves can signify anxiety and high arousal. Recent research at MIT and other leading research institutes have discovered that gamma wave light stimulation decreases the buildup of plaque in mice predisposed to Alzheimer's symptoms. In actuality, the gamma stimulation appears to increase activation of cells called microglia, which improve immune function, and removal of protein associated with the buildup of plaque. The gamma stimulation also seems to increase the mice's brain function around memory, planning and decision making, and learning.

Examples Of Frosted Binaural Beat Singing Bowl Sets: