Native American Sweat Lodge Drum

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Maidu Made

Native American Sweat Lodge Drum 

Size: ~14" x 5 7/8"

Weight: ~4 lbs

When And How Will It Ship: The drum typically will ship out the day after ordering. It ship with FedEx, and will arrive typically 3-7 days after shipment.

What You’ll Receive: One Native American Sweat Lodge Drum with a traditional suede beater as photographed (please note the color of the suede may slightly differ then the one photographed).

Product Description: Our Sweat Lodge Drum is designed to withstand the humidity of a sweat lodge, so you don't need to continually dry out your drum between rounds. The drum is covered with Buffalo hide and made with a 14" x 5 7/8" maple frame. We choose Buffalo because it is typically the thickest hide that holds up to humidity the best. This traditional double headed drum is guaranteed to hold its tone in a sweat lodge. The drum is made by our Pacific Northwest Native American drum maker, so it is guaranteed to be well tied and is sure last you a lifetime. At 14" the tone of the drum is higher, though definitely appropriate for holding a beat with the nature of songs in a sweat lodge. The drum mallet as pictured is included with the purchase of the drum.